PCHRD’s #HatawAgham4 highlights importance of healthy lifestyle


In its aim to promote healthy lifestyle, the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) spearheads the conduct of #HatawAgham4 on 19 July 2018 at the World Trade Center Manila.

Hataw Agham, part of the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) celebration, includes various physical activities and series of health talks. For this year’s event, Zumba demonstration will be led by Ms. Natalie Uy-Chan of Zumba Fitness Philippines while, Dr. Lorna Espeso of Adamson University will lecture on healthy lifestyle for people with desk jobs.

Through #HatawAgham4, the Council hopes to encourage individuals to work toward goals in achieving healthy lifestyle. Interested participants may register at https://bit.ly/2ty47ZY. For more info about the National Science and Technology Week, please visit pchrd.dost.gov.ph. 

Written by Lemuel Basierto
Created: 28 June 2018