PNHRS Committees

PNHRS projects and initiatives are conceptualized along with the concerned areas of each committee; Research Agenda Management, Ethics, Capacity Building, Research utilization, Resource mobilization, and Structure, organization, monitoring, and evaluation.

Research Agenda Management Committee

The PNHRS RAMC provides policy and technical advice in planning, formulating, monitoring, and updating the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA), tracks and evaluates the use and adoption of the NUHRA as a reference in health research projects and programs, and implements programs and activities supporting and advocating for the research priorities set in the NUHRA.


Philippine Research Ethics Board (PHREB)


The PHREB is the national policy-making body on health research ethics, created under DOST Special Order No. 091, series of 2006. PHREB is mandated to ensure that all phases of health research adhere to the universal ethical principles that value the protection and promotion of the dignity of health research participants. A Special Order on the reconstitution of the PHREB shall be issued by DOST.


Capacity Building Committee


The PNHRS CBC shall provide leadership in capacity development for health research towards strengthening the capacity of researchers, research managers, research institutions, and networks to produce high-quality and relevant research outputs that will address emerging and priority health research needs of the Philippines. Specifically, the PNHRS CBC shall provide policy and technical advice in (1) Scoping existing capacity development programs and assessing gaps/needs for health research capacity development, both at individual and institutional levels; (2) Recommending key strategic initiatives for health research capacity development;  (3) Monitoring all capacity development programs and ensuring alignment to the overall strategic plan; (4) Promoting an enabling and supportive environment for researchers, managers, and others involved in health research; and (5) engaging key stakeholders and partners in capacity development for health research.

Research Utilization Committee


The PNHRS RUC shall provide policy and technical advice in developing and sustaining knowledge management systems, communication, and advocacy strategies, and translating research findings into evidence and tools for policy, practice, product, and service development.


Resource Mobilization Committee


The PNHRS ResMob Committee shall provide policy and technical advice in securing sustainable financing, ensuring equitable distribution, and effective and efficient use of resources for health research and development.


Structure, Organization, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee


The PNHRS SOME Committee shall provide policy and technical advice in (1) Designing and implementing the PNHRS Monitoring and Evaluation System to assess the structure, organization, and overall health of the System; (2) Regular monitoring and evaluation of the health research system vis-a-vis the PNHRS Strategy Map and Scorecard; and (3) Preparing the System Annual Report for presentation during the PNHRS Week Celebration.