Global Forum on Research and Innovation on Health Forum 2015 opens channel for discussion on some of the most pressing health issues worldwide through the Global Health Debates on 23-27 August 2015 in Manila, Philippines.
The Global Health Debates is an international debating tournament that will bring the best collegiate debaters from all around the globe to Manila for an exciting week of battle of wits, ideas, and knowledge on relevant international health issues.
The tournament will follow the British Parliamentary Format of debate with various talking points to be derived from the topics tackled in the sessions of Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015.
The Adjudication Core, the group of presiding officials during the tournament, is composed of some of the world’s celebrated debaters including Dr. Lee Edson P. Yarcia of UP Diliman College of Law, Mr. Syed Saddiq of International Islamic University of Malaysia, Ms. Gemma Buckley of Monash University, Mr. John McKee of University of Glasgow, Mr. Dan Corder of the University of Cape Town, and Mr. Josh Zofer of Harvard University.
Teams of debaters with strong health background from all over the world are expected to participate in the tournament. The grand champion will walk away with US$3,000 prize.
The Global Health Debates is organized by Health Sector Catalysts (HSC) and the University of the Philippines Manila - Debate Circle (UPMDC). For more information, please visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..