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Search for the Best Mentor in Health Research Award for CY2017
This award aims to recognize the excellence in mentorship that instills passion among researchers, redounding to enhance relevance and productivity in health research.It also aims to reward mentors in health research who have built the capacities of researchers in the health sector and and in the process, propelled significant advances in the Philippine National Health Research System's (PNHRS) thrusts as identified in the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA).
The search is open to all Filipino Citizen, at least a holder of master's degree, actively involved in mentoring researchers/students or colleagues for at least five (5) years, has a good tract record as a researcher in terms of publication,product development of policy formulation,professionally involved in health research activities either as a research program/project leader, principal and co-principal investigator,mentor/adviser/trainer, or author/co-author and actively involved in health research activities such as conduct of research training and extension work, paper presentations, fund generation,research promotion and networking,research agenda setting and capacity-building activities.
Winners are ineligible for subsequent nominations.
The deadline for submission of entries is not later than February 20, 2017 to the R1HRDC (Region 1 Health Research and Development Consortium) secretariat Ms. Ana Gay D. Ranga at telefax no. (077) 792-3133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Qualified nominees will be reviewed and shorlisted by the consortium before it will be forwarded to PCHRD.
A copy of guidelines and recommendation form were sent to your respective institution/agencies for your reference.