In order to guide the RHRDC Technical Review committees, the Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Epidemiology (FACE) Inc. leads a Consultative Meeting for the development of a Technical Review Manual of Operations on January 11-12, 2018 at the Summit Hotel, General Maxilom Avenue Extension B. Benedicto Street, Cebu City. This is to primarily gather more comments and insights from the RHRDC representatives after the manual’s revision in late 2017.
In attendance to the said huddle are the Consortium Chairs, RMC Chairs, and Regional Project Staffs who gave additional inputs on the various components of the manual.
The said manual is envisioned to guide the RHRDC Technical Review Committees and its members in an efficient and effective way with regards to the performance of their functions in the technical review of proposal submissions to their committee. This manual will also help research investigators on the requirements and flow of the processes that their grant submissions will undergo and the steps they have to take as the review process is ongoing. This will hopefully simplify the organization, processes, and documentation of the TRB operations while maintaining high standards, transparency, and accountability.
The 2-day plenary workshop highlighted the different responsibilities of the Regional Management Committee, Technical Review Board, and the Secretariat. It also emphasized the flow of review process and agreed timelines.
Dr. Noel Juban, the lead coordinator, said that once finalized, the manual will be launched during the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) 36th Anniversary in March 2018.