The Parallel Session I (Maternal, Newborn, Child Health & Nutrition) was evaluated by Dr. Rita Mae Ang-Bon (MO IV, Family Cluster Head), Mr. Dave Isidore Plopiňo (Nurse V, Family Planning Coordinator) and Dr. Jensy Ong (R&D Vice-Chair, BCHRD) and the Parallel Session II ( Non-Communicable Diseases, SDN, Health Promotion, Communicable Diseases) was evaluated by Dr. Evy Sarmiento (MO IV, Non-communicable cluster head), Ms. Windalyn Baluis (Nurse V, Healthy Lifestyle Coordinator), Ms. Maita Mortega (Nurse III, SDN Coordinator), Ms. Myrna Rayala (SHPO, BHW Coordinator), Mr. Arnel Santiago (AA III, HOMIS Coordinator), Dr. Ma. Pamela Viñas (Education Supervisor, CHEDRO V), Aida Ruby Jeremias (Nurse V, TB- Coordinator), and Lilian Rose Contesa Encisa (SHPO, TB-HIV Coordinator). Most of the evaluators came from the program managers of Department of Health CHD-Bicol.
A total of 14 proposals was presented during the event. These researcher who presented their proposal was also the BCHRD Scholars for Bicol Heart Program, which help them on formuating and producing a quality and scientific sound proposal. Expecting that some of them will bagged their hard earned effort and time for their research proposal to be funded.